
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Final update on the 3 Effects

1st effect:

The first was a health buff. My health buff is basically health crosses travelling above the health pack after the worm collected it.

2nd effect:

My second effect is a trail of particles when the worm travels on the ground. The idea came to me when Timmy decided to do rain for the game. So obviously, there will be water trail.

3rd effect:

My 3rd effect is a explosion when the bird dies. Before coming up with this idea, I find the bird dies a little weird because when the bird dies, it will just disappear. So I decided to add an explosion effect to make it look better. However, there is a problem. The explosion keeps exploding a lot of times and the reaction of the explosion is slow. For example, when the bird dies, the explosion appears like 2-3 seconds later.

                                               *Play the game for better resolution and view*

Final updates on the Game

After all the problems we had the previous time we did our games, we finally solved them. When the bird hits the worm, the worm receives damage, thus the health bar decreases by 25. It took a long time for us to fix the script.

Another problem we solved was the worm can kill the bird. Initially our plan was the bullet (from the worm) to have damage is which 20. However, we could not script that so we just had to script it in a way the bird dies one time after a bullet collides with it.

After solving this 2 problems, we can finally proceed to other aspects of the game. With the worm receivng damage, the health pack can finally function. We ended the game by having the worm to hit the flag at the end of the terrain.

Also, we had a game menu for the starting of the game and also when the player loses the game.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Slash effect

I'm still not too sure on how to do a slash effect by the vulture onto the worm. But I did some research and according to some, I can try to achieve this with a particle system that gets instantiated when the animation starts and destroyed once it stops. However, to do this, I think I have to animate the vulture's attack so I can attach a particle system to it somehow in unity.

There's also another way, which is creating a C# script to it. I found a script at someone's link but it's too long and I don't even know some of the commands and function in it. I'll have to check with my group members again or maybe even Mr Ron.

Heres the link to the script:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Update on the 3 effects

Last week during class, Mr Ron showed us how to do dust trails when the character walked or run. Apparently I almost got it but still it looks pretty far from what I'm expecting. Which means I still have lots of adjustments to do.

I am going to apply it to one of my 3 effects(refer to previous post) once I finished adjusting the dust trails from the exercise.

I started to worked on the health buff effect but not alot. As you can see with the screenshot below, Im going to add the health signs in it also.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Effects WIP!

Health buff:

Reference pic:

When the worm collects the health pickup, health crosses will appear on top of its head. And it will be rotating.

3 effects

3 effects:

Dust trail:

Dust trail when the worm moves.

Health buff effect:

For this effect, I'll be sharing with Timmy. Since Timmy will be doing health buff also, we will be doing different effects. For example, timmy's health buff will be a light surrounding the worm. Mine will be health crosses appearing above the worm.

Slash effect:

I will be doing a slash effect for the ai bird when it attacks the worm.

Our game WIP

This is how our game start menu looks like. Chunwei did the design of the menu while me and Timmy worked together to do the script of the game menu so that when the start button is press, it will proceed to the game.

Okay basically for our game, we had a terrain with the background(found online). There are 3 eagles and 2 healthpacks. The healthpacks each will add 10 healthpoints for the worm but so far, we could not get the worm's life to decrease. We used the protal gun for the worm which Mr Ron provided in the reference drive. So far, we made the worm moved and get to shoot. The birds were also able to auto target the worm. And when the bird hits the worm, they will collide. We were also able to make the bullet to collide with the bird. However, we encountered problems in our game, we could not make the worm do damage to the bird and the bird to do damage to the worm. Also, when the bird hits the worm, the worm will move out of course and most of the time, the worm will fall and probably that's the end of our game. Our target is we wanted the bird hit the worm with the worm still staying in course and not falling over. And also, both of them to do damage to each other.

Game overview:



As you can see, several bullet has hit the bird but it takes no damage.


The worm falls after the bird hits the worm.