
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our game WIP

This is how our game start menu looks like. Chunwei did the design of the menu while me and Timmy worked together to do the script of the game menu so that when the start button is press, it will proceed to the game.

Okay basically for our game, we had a terrain with the background(found online). There are 3 eagles and 2 healthpacks. The healthpacks each will add 10 healthpoints for the worm but so far, we could not get the worm's life to decrease. We used the protal gun for the worm which Mr Ron provided in the reference drive. So far, we made the worm moved and get to shoot. The birds were also able to auto target the worm. And when the bird hits the worm, they will collide. We were also able to make the bullet to collide with the bird. However, we encountered problems in our game, we could not make the worm do damage to the bird and the bird to do damage to the worm. Also, when the bird hits the worm, the worm will move out of course and most of the time, the worm will fall and probably that's the end of our game. Our target is we wanted the bird hit the worm with the worm still staying in course and not falling over. And also, both of them to do damage to each other.

Game overview:



As you can see, several bullet has hit the bird but it takes no damage.


The worm falls after the bird hits the worm.

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